4 Steps To Stop Feeling Blah

feeling blah mild depression shift your energy shift your perspective Oct 01, 2020
feeling blah

Do you ever have those days where you're just feeling....blah?

My latest "blah day" was this past weekend. I had a hefty to-do list but didn't feel like doing any of it. I just wanted to lounge around, watch tv, and blissfully ignore everything on my list. 

For some people, whenever they have too many blah-days in a row, it becomes a mild depression. The blah days become habitual and suddenly it's much harder to get yourself out of the blues that inevitably accompany them. I rarely let myself have 3 blah-days in a row before I take immediate action to shift and reignite my energy. 

Some of my clients find it really hard to shift their energy when they're feeling down. I wanted to give you some tips on how to baby-step out of the blahs. 

1) Set a time limit on the blahs

Sometimes, I just need to take a down day. I give myself permission to take one day to just "be". I let myself lay on the couch, watch tv all day, and eat whatever I want. Anything that isn't absolutely critical (AKA time sensitive), I just roll it over into the next day or week. If it isn't going to lead to the downfall of your life or business, then it's ok to delay it for a bit. You may have to combat your inner-voice that beats you up or tells you that you're worthless if you don't do something perfectly. Let your logic guide you in these situations. It's ok to take some time for yourself. The world will go on and your to-do list will wait for you to feel better to tackle it. 

2) Dig into the blah

If you're feeling blah, then there's a reason behind it. Are you procrastinating something on your to-do list? Are you afraid to do something? Have a difficult conversation? Working on projects you're not aligned with? Are you unhappy with some area of your life?

The blahs are a sign that something's out of alignment. It could be your work, diet, healthcare regime, relationship etc. If possible, identify and begin to change what you can about what's making you unhappy.

3) Shift your energy 

There are several ways to shift your energy but meditation is my favorite. Because the blahs arise due to an imbalance, meditation is perfect to help you slow down, ground, and re-balance your energy. Sometimes, I'll watch a comedy, something that inspires me or feels magical, or makes me feel cozy and safe. Re-reading your favorite books, wearing comfy clothes, and taking walks in nature are also great ways to help soothe and re-balance your energy. 

4) Shift your perspective

The blahs can make you feel stuck,  focused on what isn't working, or how you're feeling unhappy. When you turn your attention to helping others, then you shift your focus away from fighting yourself. It feels good to help others and this is often the boost you need to catalyze a positive shift forward. However, be wary of consistently focusing on others as a way to avoid focusing on yourself. Making a gratitude list can also remind you of the positive things in your life and help you shift away from what isn't so wonderful at the moment. It also helps you stay hopeful and optimistic for a better future. 

There can be several reasons why the "blahs" occur. If you're finding it difficult to shake off a blah mood, then I recommend speaking to your doctor or healthcare provider. There can be internal factors such as nutritional deficiencies, hormone or biochemical imbalances, and external factors which can affect your mindset and mood. 

If you'd like to see how emotional strength coaching can help you let go of anxiety and unhappiness, then click here to book your free consultation. 

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April Darley N.D. is an Emotional Strength Coach specializing in helping Empaths/Highly Sensitive People (HSP's) feel better, and function better by releasing stress, anxiety, pain, and sabotaging behavior. Through the combination of coaching and emotional release techniques, you'll learn how to step into your own power, comfortably deal with life's challenges, and stay calm and balanced. 

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