How To Create Lasting Confidence

comparison confidence limited beliefs low self-esteem Nov 05, 2020

At different times in my life, I've wished for things I didn't think I already had. When you compare yourself to others, you often seem to be missing something. Occasionally, you might feel like you're the winner in the comparison battle, but that validation is usually short lived. 

Comparison can be an addiction that causes a lot of drama in your life. It's also a confidence killer!

If you want to build confidence that lasts, you'll need to change your mindset and how you view confidence in general. 

There are several definitions for the word confidence, but all of them involve certainty, belief, and trust. Confidence seems to be something you either have or you don't, but it can be developed and nurtured. 

Confidence comes from both internal and external sources. Unfortunately, most people rely on external input from others to help build confidence.  When you rely on others to build you up, you're basically at the mercy of their opinions about you and your life. This type of validation is fickle at best and will probably leave you with an identity crisis especially if you're a people-pleaser. 

True and lasting confidence comes from within. It's the type you build yourself through certainty, trust, and belief. Self-confidence is the firm foundation on which you can layer any positive external validation. It's also the armor that protects you against the negative opinions of others. Unless you betray it, internal confidence doesn't leave you. In fact, it has the potential to make you stronger when you take the time to nurture it. 

To develop a strong foundation of internal confidence, you'll need to produce quality thoughts. Here's what that looks like:

*Every day, think about what you love about yourself, what you feel good about, and what makes you proud.

*Be your own cheerleader!

*Complement yourself, and give yourself praise for a job well done. 

*Choose outfits that make you feel amazing. Then, look into a mirror and complement yourself for how well you look. You're a sexy beast! 

*Eat foods that make you feel good not that give you temporary pleasure and cause you to beat yourself up later.

*No matter what, have your own back and don't turn on yourself. 

So, how do you shift your thoughts when you're beating yourself up? The key is to catch yourself thinking negative thoughts and stop that train in its tracks! Then, replace any negative thought with at least 3 positive ones. 

If someone says something that makes you doubt yourself, you don't have to believe it. It's their opinion! Why believe someone else's opinion as fact and ignore your own beliefs? This is where your own solid foundation can bail you out. 

Self-confidence really boils down to beliefs about yourself. Beliefs are created by repetitive thoughts while emotions play in the background. Eventually, your beliefs will dictate your actions (or inaction). If your beliefs are limiting, then it's harder to accomplish what you want. Luckily, we can reverse the pattern. By creating affirming thoughts that you repetitively think, you're programing desirable and positive beliefs. Then, your actions become more confident and inspired. It's really that simple! 

If you need extra help reprograming your thoughts and creating a new mindset, then emotional strength coaching combined with emotional release work can help you build that strong foundation. 

Click HERE  and let's get started!

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April Darley N.D. is an Emotional Strength Coach specializing in helping Empaths/Highly Sensitive People (HSP's) feel better, and function better by releasing stress, anxiety, pain, and sabotaging behavior. Through the combination of coaching and emotional release techniques, you'll learn how to step into your own power, comfortably deal with life's challenges, and stay calm and balanced. 

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